Ha! Its Option 2 I fear most and you said "Lets park that for a second" so I was hoping to hear your commentary on what to invest in for Option 2. Of course I already knew that under option 2 there are only two metals worth investing in..... and thats lead and brass.

Just for other readers interest while my precious metal AU and AG holdings are up 13% and 50% respectively since purchase, my Trend Following Fund is up 90%, all over the past 5 years or so (my miners stocks average remains in the "toilet"). I got the Trend Fund idea from reading "Investing Through The Looking Glass". Of course I now wish that I had put 20% into the Trend Fund at the start instead of 10% but thats just another woulda/shoulda/coulda story.

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I concede that the miners are taking their time. I also suggest that the gains to come will ultimately more than handsomely reward those with the patience clearly required to stick with them. It's cash and bonds I worry about.

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