Nov 12, 2022Liked by Tim Price 😃

"It was just a man in a white coat.. armed only with a clipboard " - history repeats - sadly.

I read Daniel Defoe's Plague Year book and it struck me that the wizards preaching doom and gloom in those days were the same as the expert epidemiologists today.

I even take the weather report with a huge grain of salty scepticism these days.

Allegedly there was some record gold buys by some central banks who wanted to remain anonymous - I'm not clever enough to know why they wanted to remain silent but it certainly sends the message "do I say not as I do".

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Tim Price 😃

Many thanks Tim, for stark reminders of history continually repeating itself with no apparent comprehension that the masses are being played and will be played in the future.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Tim Price 😃

I was aware of the main experiments mentioned in the article though not knowledgable that so many others were conducted. What I had not seen was the statistics on compliance. I found it interesting that the Australians compliance for their experiment (whatever it was) was only 40%. This seemed to gel well with my experience and understanding of Australians vis a vis authority. Then I thought of Herr Gruppenfuhrer Daniel Andrews in Victoria, Australia and his huge +ve poll support for covid handling.......and wondered what happened to Australians?

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Great piece Tim. I found your national “willingness to comply” statistics chilling: Spain and Holland at the top of the pile (both historically tied by the Ubertyrant and Inquisitor Philip II in the 16th C. ) and closely followed by Germany and Austria whose “anti-vaxxer” purges and sadistic segregation policies were and continue to be horrifying. My own piece yesterday was a start at identifying the real enemies of freedom - the government and supranational Agencies (amongst whose ranks I would definitely include the ghastly UvdL’s EU Commission) - whose expert tsars epitomise the figures of authority you describe so well. The revolution will need to clean out those particularly evil and paychopathic Aegean Stables first and foremost.

PS Are you starting a “Price of Everything” Substack chat?

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