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Amen brother. LNG, then Ammonia, are the next tulip mania for shipping as far as I can see at the moment. Should last 3 to 7 years.

Paul Embry's book DESPISED describes the feeling of working class betrayed by the left very well. Although he doesn't quite make it to the scorched earth conclusion that he should take toward socialism. He just wants to go back to a nostalgic council estate paradise that early adopters of socialism enjoyed, without acknowledging the inevitable demise over time.

I've started reading Iain McGilchrist's book THE MASTER AND HIS EMISSARY, which astonishingly speaks of the left brain dominance as a self-escalating feedback loop of autistic doom among elites during historic end times in Western Rome, and again in our own time. Fascinating stuff. Highly recommended.

Ontology and reintegration. That's the ticket.

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